Remembering How to Laugh.. R u Ok Day?

Just recently iv found my giggle i felt like i lost a long time ago. Something that i thought i wouldn’t find again. My normal Me loves to laugh. I dream big and I achieve as much as i can when I’m up there my possibility’s are endless and i am on top of the world.

This is my positive post about the positives of my mental health adventures.  I prefer adventures  because it is not a issue  to me its my journey, Although it seems its harder to think about it in positive ways than i thought as i scroll through other stories and experiences i find it hard to take positive out of it all for myself.

What i am learning though is that i wasn’t the person I was before during or after my last episode and between them i realise there is a genuine 24 year old girl? Woman? Adult? not sure i meet the full criteria for that last one to be fair But none the less not just a Part time nutcase.

When i feel good my emotions race i can achieve anything its good i am unstoppable I’m also very destructive in my means of getting what I want. Sometimes ill admit actually a lot of the time my paths haven’t always been the cleanest but none the less i put my heart into anything that i feel right about. It feels amazing i get spurts of excitement and hyper behaviours my heart races i get warm fuzzy feeling like everything I’m feeling is precisely what I’m suppose to be doing like my soul is genuinely shining and when I’m there i don’t care what gets in my way  around me because it feels so right! Even when its the wrong thing to be doing completely…

These episodes i experience of hyper states and  waves of unbearable mood swings after effect me and i have not learnt how to control them yet. My first step to turning things positive is realising that the real person behind my personality disorder is a fully functioning human being and although I can be destructive in some paths I take I’m taking steps everyday towards the path I am meant for although i never know what the outcome may be  iv got a feeling  ill make it out of this alive.

I’m realising now that this is MY personality disorder since my diagnosis and i say MY in capitals because i feel you can have the same diagnosis as someone but every persons experience with it are different and the same with recovery. i use to just think i was just a hyperactive over emotional wreck of a person who couldn’t cope with the real world. Some people struggle with having a label such as a personality disorder i mean it does sound pretty mental the first time you hear it and it is daunting. Personally I used it as a positive i can understand myself better through my diagnosis i can understand thinking patterns better and through the help i now realise I need I can start learning how to function better.

I have more control than i give myself credit for at the moment, And its hard to remind myself of this when I’m loosing that grip. I have re read this line 100 times and although i know i am kind of right i still cant believe myself but i have to keep going. Positive post and all that jazz.

So today is R u Ok Day? And it is a post to be positive about and it brings me to Friendship. It takes a lot for another person to ask if your okay when they aren’t to sure if they are okay themselves. I feel like i have let a lot of people down recently and I’m finding it hard to put into words how devastating it is when relationships with friends and family break down due to mental health. Its the hardest thing to admit to and when you notice the destruction you can cause your head can become a very scary place. To the ones who stuck by me through these last couple of years i take my hat off to no matter the problems no matter how nasty or cold i have been towards them they still make the effort to ask me if i am okay. And that is the reason i am still here to this day the little lights at the end of my dark tunnels i get myself lost in.

So when your next lost in your next tunnel don’t be scared of the person who ask if your okay. They have problems to. Remember its okay not to be okay. I’m still not okay but I’m coping and speaking out about it here and to my friends and family is drastically helping me. I was shit scared of it at first don’t get me wrong but even these baby steps are slowly making me feel human  even if its just for a while and I’m going to enjoy it!


Here’s To The Good Times

So… i started this blog to let out a bit of steam i suppose and because although it seems real easy to other people my life is upside down inside out all over the place and most of the time i struggle to know which way is up in this jumbled up place i call my mind. But iv come to realise i cant really tell people what goes on in my mind because im scared they will think i am Crazy i mean i question myself enough already right?

so here goes my take at letting it out in a kind of self help realisation kinda way but at the same time learning lessons about myself and my problems and overcoming whatever adventures lay ahead to get me to becoming a better version of me now.

If every cloud has a silver lining  there must be a little glittery outline around my storm cloud at the moment and the sooner it shines the better. im optimistic. (today)

You see some days im on top of the world i can conquer anything im unstoppable but im in my own world its not real as much as i want it to be. there is no off button for this mood though as appealing as it sounds its pretty hard to live with. switching off from the world like your invincible hurting people in your little tornado of excitement and pure unstoppable confidence.

Until it stops…

then you get guilt and question your self worth who you are whats made you this way. it all races through your mind 100 miles a hour and it doesn’t stop iv been in deep depression after mood swings like that. i could sleep for days switching off from the world no phones no door bell just not speaking to anyone isolating myself from anyone who cares because im so scared of being rejected that i force anyone away so they cant do it to me.

Some days i can cope

Some days i cant…

im starting to get the help i need to understand these problems and i know my silver lining is out there i just got to wait for the storm to pass.